Highest Rated Comments

hipsterdocmd21 karma

You have outstanding experience to do emergency medicine actually; in several emergency medicine residencies they actually scan through resumes in search of food service experience since a lot of urgent care is managing a lot of orders and waiting customers while coordinating with other people doing the "cooking" (eg radiology, consults). Good luck. You'll have to pay your dues in the long road ahead, and there may also be sexism -- from other female docs no less -- as they won't to be able to fathom that a beautiful woman can actually be technically proficient. But contrary to the grumbles of the earlier generation of doctors who went into it expecting to become millionaires, as long as you're in it for the right reasons and can find a way to stay happy, it's a great path, and especially if you find you love those side moments shooting to breeze with your customers, and wouldn't mind it even if they didn't pay tips, Canadian or otherwise, that's the real fun sometimes. You know the book knowledge but a lot of medicine is just schmoozing and if you're good at it and you like it, you'll do well. And even if not, well, knock the patient out and do anesthesia or a surgical specialty. ;)

hipsterdocmd10 karma

hipsterdocmd4 karma

You might appreciate this piece Billy Crystal wrote recently about Robin Williams:


hipsterdocmd4 karma

Dr. Darling wrote a good medical scientific review article showing much higher survival rates for patients treated with both surgery and chemotherapy. It cites the Walsh study the oncologist elsewhere in this thread commented on. Were you told you were not eligible for surgery?


hipsterdocmd2 karma

Has /u/frank_j_underwood asked you to be his biographer?