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hikingboots_allineed21 karma

Please tell me the Jack Frost comment is real and then tell me the name of the app! I left Northern Quebec for tropical Toronto so temperatures like yours are just a pleasantly distant memory now

hikingboots_allineed5 karma

What kind of hours were you pulling initially to get your company up and running? And what kind of hours are you doing now? What's been the hardest part of the whole process for you?

hikingboots_allineed5 karma

What kind of marketing did you do for your first books and how does that differ now that you're established? Is there anything you do now that would have been invaluable to know earlier on in your writing career?

hikingboots_allineed1 karma

That's not bad. That was going to be my question too, especially considering in the video you said you were reluctant to call an ambulance from the river. 'Murica's healthcare is appalling.

I cringed for most of that and then cringed harder when you said they found bits of concrete in you. Daaamn. I'm glad you're (physically) doing ok.