Highest Rated Comments

heycmonnow3 karma

When you play the cosmopolitan tomorrow. Be sure to make your way up to the third floor and grab a slice from the hidden pizza place. (Look for the album-lined wall)

I will gladly take a backstage pass as remuneration for my troubles :)

Oh, and their buffet should be illegal it's so good

heycmonnow3 karma

Daniel, I remember seeing your story on tv years ago and have wanted to know how you perceive the number 2 ever since.

It's my favorite number in that it is the only even prime number. I was wondering if that characteristic had anything to do with how you 'saw' it. (Or other prime numbers for that matter)

Thanks for doing this ama.

heycmonnow2 karma

I understand and respect the athleticism and focus that competitive racing requires, but are there times when, at the end of the day, that you just feel that you're driving around a 200mph billboard and selling advertising for a bunch of billionaires?

heycmonnow2 karma

Why, yes! Indeed it is..