Highest Rated Comments

herebezombies269 karma

one inverted nipple? aww... it's like her titties are winking at you

herebezombies11 karma

My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the cervix in 1996. She died in 1998. I'm very happy to see that medicine has advanced to the point where at least one man has survived that horrible disease. Congratulations to you, sir. I have but one request of you: live life to the fullest and help people any way you can.

My mother was a nurse and a damned good one. She helped many people live through some very tough times. Even this long after her death, a shrine remains at the hospital at which she worked. She was a woman that loved life but worked too much to enjoy it so that she could provide for me, her family, and anyone else that needed it. I request that you carry on that tradition and help people any time you can.

In fact, I request that of everyone that reads this comment. If you see the opportunity to make someone's day or life better, please take it. I've recently taken it upon myself to make my life better. That has involved making others' lives better and it's a more rewarding endeavor than I could have ever imagined.

If we can't live to make others' lives better, what use do any of us have even being here? I know there's a lot of negativity in the world right now. It's up to us to change that. Please, if you can, in any way, make the world a better place. Please, do so.

herebezombies5 karma

Oh wow, that's awesome. I've never considered Jason much more than a cold-blooded killer. It turns out, he does have a soft side!

herebezombies5 karma

Have you ever filled in some Jason backstory in your own head? I'm curious to know if there's any exclusive Jason canon that only exists in your own head.

herebezombies5 karma

I'm no vegan, but I enjoy vegetables but I can't afford to buy enough vegetables to eat enough of them. What are some vegetables that pack the most bang nutritionally that one could easily maintain in a home garden?