Highest Rated Comments

hector922066 karma

I'm guessing dick doctors quickly stop finding dick jokes funny.

hector926 karma

fish oil helps

hector923 karma

how would you rate all of this on a nuisance scale of 0-10? Use whatever definition for 0-10 you feel inclined to. I understand that you have nothing else to compare it to.

hector922 karma

1) Have you talked with your sisters about them getting tested? what are their reasons and do they think they ever will?

2) Do you have a rough plan for the 15 years? It's an awkward length of time where it's probably too long to just go straight backpacker hedonism style, but it's also probably too short for settling down and building toward a future. writing this has made me realize life is a lot of fucking building for a vague future date.

hector922 karma

the accounts are free and the lighting is a lamp for most of the women.