Highest Rated Comments

heathersak264 karma

This hurts my heart.

heathersak9 karma

Where is your sister now? This all sounds so nightmarish. I'm so sorry and I think the only thing I can do is promise I will never send either of my children away to places like these (or hopefully, anywhere)!

heathersak6 karma

You know, I felt the same way as you guys up until a few years ago, when I noticed severe exhaustion setting in as the days became shorter. Probably has something to do with mt existing depression & anxiety, and the medication regimen I'm on. I hope to get a SAD light very soon. But I still prefer the cool weather to stifling heat (west coast of Canada here)!

heathersak4 karma

Fuck dude, that's how I feel about my store (I work for a Canadian-owned grocery chain). It sucks away your morale as an employee (and loyal customer, tbh) to see new management changing everything so that ALL effort is focused on profit.

Let me tell you something, retail Managers of the world (not OP): customers give no shits about your profit margin. If you take everything that makes a store special away, without drastically lowering the prices, people are going to drive 30seconds further to buy all their shit at fucking WALMART.

Sorry to dump here, heh, just needed to get that outta me.

heathersak1 karma

Not helpful to the discussion, man. Ask the op outright, then either believe his answer or not, but don't spread hate around just because you can.