Highest Rated Comments

heartohio70 karma

I'm in the middle of watching cheers for the first time (currently on Season Five) and I TOTALLY recognized you! Fun.

Congrats on returning to your passion!

Edit: so I meant to add this to the comment above about being on Cheers, obviously, but I'm on mobile and watching cheers on the computer so I'm leaving it here.

heartohio10 karma

Seriously check out Mealime. It’s an app I learned about on reddit and i have been using it for years now. It legit changed my life.

heartohio9 karma

My husband got fired from Wal-Mart years ago for working too many hours. He's a lawyer now.

Your life is going to get way better. Congrats! :)

heartohio9 karma

I had this same issue with that flight. I called United and they required an additional $95 for all four tickets in order to book the tickets. It was actually cheaper though because they honored the seats we had already chosen and paid to upgrade on the other legs.