Highest Rated Comments

hardcoreironmen219 karma

As someone who wants to learn more about Christianity purely out of curiosity and not religious intent, where can I start learning? I feel overwhelmed with the amount of books, information and testaments out there. Thank you!

hardcoreironmen114 karma

I'm interested in the differences and similarities between Christianity and Judaism & Islam, the History of Christianity (especially around Jesus' time) and the historical accuracy in general. To be honest, I know so little with regards to religion. So it's difficult to find literature without it depending on me understanding the references it throws. So anything without relying on me knowing too much will do! Thank you!

hardcoreironmen51 karma

I will surely check out those recommendations, thank you!

hardcoreironmen5 karma

This sounds exactly like something I'm interested in. Thank you very much :)!

hardcoreironmen4 karma

Yeah I've heard good things about him. He's on my reading list, thanks!