Highest Rated Comments

happycowsmmmcheese211 karma

I know it's probably just because I am actually getting older now, but man... you are so right. Nick in the 90s really did "get" kids at the time, in a way that hasn't been accomplished again since. There has never been anything as good as, or as in tune with kids as All That. It was my generation's young SNL. It was brilliant and irreverent. You were amazing in it.

happycowsmmmcheese17 karma

Reading through some of your answers so far, it sounds like acting is your real goal. What parts have you auditioned for recently? What parts have you been cast for, or turned down for? What is you DREAM role? Who would you most love to work with?
Thanks so much for doing this AMA, you seem like a very intelligent person and I have really loved the insight about Miley and the VMAs.

happycowsmmmcheese17 karma

Thanks for this tip!! My daughter is 8 and still looooves Dinosaur Train, but I think she might really enjoy something less cartoony and more real!

happycowsmmmcheese12 karma

Hello!!! I am so excited to make it to this AMA! I'm signed up for the class, so this is an exciting sneak peek. Two questions for you...

1) [for all the Professors here today] What were your most favorite and least favorite moments from seasons 1-3? Why?

2) In the event of a real-life catastrophe of similar magnitude, what do you think the most likely cause would actually be? Do you think that an apocalypse would be more likely to be caused by something biological, nuclear, geological, or something else? And do you think an event so powerful would leave any survivors at all?

happycowsmmmcheese8 karma

I met you once on University Ave in Berkeley, California. No one EVER believes me.

Do you remember a young woman (reddish-brown hair, kind of hippyish, really good at feigning enthusiasm) stopping you on the street in Berkeley back in, like, 2008 or 2009 to ask if you "wanted to help get rid of nuclear weapons?" You stopped and said you were already doing that, and I totally didn't recognize you and tried very briefly to sign you up for the non-profit I was working for at the time (forgive me, I had a quota) and then you were like, "No no, I'm the wikileaks guy" and you just walked away like a total badass.

If you do remember this random one-off encounter, could you please confirm it? You are the only well-known person I have ever met in my entire life and no one ever believes me.

Edit: Grammar.