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hankmoodyjr530 karma

OK...To respond in an intelligent fashion - where are you basing the view that this is the perception? For example, a simple google for the university of harcourt brings this up:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19895281 - to summarise, your university was shut down in october 2012 because of the lynching and burning of four people accused of stealing laptops and mobile phones...Is this really acceptable behaviour for a place of higher learning?

Again, from BBC news...And more recently, 17 hours ago: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-21836639

Reports of a bomb explosion at a bus station from a group of terrorists seeking to overthrow the government and create an islamic state.

Again, in my email today, I have five email addresses, the IP addresses I can backtrace to Nigeria - you surely have to admit that this doesn't look good from an outside view. Now...Granted, I'm willing to accept that not all Nigerians are like this, but you surely have to admit that there is a massive problem with crime and corruption in Nigeria, just as there is in other African states such as Ghana?

Here's a more pointed question - Are you being proactive to dispel the perception that Nigeria is a corrupt and unwelcoming place for visitors...If so, what are you doing?

hankmoodyjr318 karma

Those misconceptions being?

hankmoodyjr5 karma

Afghanistan is a completely different matter; very few people understand the difference between Sunni and Shia muslims for example, or the reason why Jihadists insist their cause is a holy one. There's nothing wrong, fundamentally with being a nation that observes Sharia law - the problem comes in with the way you implement it, and whether you respect a person's personal freedoms to believe and say what they choose - unfortunately, many Jihadists do not share an enlightened view. Hell. There aren't many Christians that share that view.

Also, I pointed out the lynching because it doesn't make the nation look good. It's easy for me, as a Briton to sit here and condemn, but I won't; I understand that Africa is going through a tumultuous period of upheaval - you can look in any region of the African region and find very few countries that aren't currently in a state of unrest - but my point in this case, is that many people on a place such as reddit, where their largest problem by and large will be what brand of toothpaste to buy will only focus on the negative. And that goes for the emails in my inbox as well.

Honestly, I'm not sure that an AMA will achieve much; you'll get a bunch of earth mothers and hardline feminists here that will very probably validate you, make you feel better by confirming that you're a good person, but coming from a person with Cypriot heritage, I would suggest that the only place to really affect change is from within; Nigeria, like many places in the world needs a stable, coherent government that isn't looking for backhanders and luxury in a time when many people all over Africa (indeed, the world) are suffering. I, if it's any consolation, congratulate you on your career choice and recognise your frustration - but it isn't my mind you need to change.