Highest Rated Comments

handlerb103 karma

Respectfully, as a doctor who advises non-medical professionals regularly, you should be able to interpret questions like this with ease, understand what they’re really trying to learn more about, and provide an answer(s).

This is about as clear and straightforward as patient questions get...

handlerb10 karma

Isoamyl Acetate is the cause. This is also a byproduct of yeast fermentation in some styles of beer that lends a "banana" character.


handlerb5 karma

Don't say meaningless. I don't know your parents, but I assume they love you and we're just doing what they believe is best for their child. This is something you'll learn in business, but it applies to all relationships; assume good intent. People take the time to do things because they believe they are doing good, even if you don't see it that way. Remember that before you say anything or do anything you can't take back.

You disagree with some of their teachings: fine. But the first 18 years of our life were filled with more that revisionist biology books. I am being repetitive, but I get the sense you are in a hurry to burn bridges and tell your parents off. Please don't be impulsive and do this, regardless of how tempting it may be.

handlerb4 karma

Come join us in r/homebrewing...we'll teach you the ways.

handlerb-1 karma

The mental gymnastics to get to the conclusion that GUN STORAGE is the problem to solve here is surreal to me.

It’s like you couldn’t even let yourself consider the idea that perhaps it’s the ownership of guns in the first place that is the problem and solution for some people.