Highest Rated Comments

halocure42 karma

Hi Alan and PJ! My question is, how much of this did you have mapped out, how pie-in-the-sky did you take your goal setting? Did you think you'd get close to $3 million? $5 million?

halocure3 karma

Fellow Shock A Con extra - high five! 😃

halocure2 karma

I too, would love to be in the Mob! Already have my tickets for your show in SLC, very excited to see you here! Thanks for doing this AMA!

My question, do you feel there is a benefit from having your music on streaming services like Spotify and Pandora?

halocure2 karma

It was a blast, and I can't wait to see our crowd scenes! I hope you get featured!

halocure1 karma

First, congratulations to Alan and Charissa, who somehow found time to get married! We always hoped you two would get together.

Hi to Nathan, Felicia and Nolan! I love your roles in this new ConMan 'Verse!

My question is for PJ. As an avid comic book collector, I really enjoyed the Spectrum comics #0 and #1. Is there any word on release dates for the rest of the series? Also I heard somewhere that there is also a novel in the works? Is that true or just a rumor?