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hahayesyes2 karma

lol these are the most softball questions ever. This dude thinks Snowden wasn't a whistleblower. Yet OBama has admitted some faults and mistakes were made.

I learned solid facts of things I figured were happening. Snowden opened information for the masses. Yet this douchebag gets a soapbox to say how evil snowden was?

And you supposedly helped topple socialism or whatever...HAHA oh man, the fucking irony.

hahayesyes1 karma

Then you are a fool, if you think spying on your own citizens to the tune of 200 million texts a day and countless other programs, don't allow evil people and things to occur. Then well again you are a fool.

How is completely tracking foreigners and citizens not paving the way for "turnkey totalitarianism" and don't give me that crap about how USA system always rights its self.

Kind of like the blacks who were literal slaves and now are economic and prison slaves.

The system really corrected its self for them.