Highest Rated Comments

hadtoupvotethat60 karma

The parent post is probably referring to this: https://old.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/9o25he/what_are_your_thoughts_on_gabriel_weinburg/

Note that it's not "DDG sells private data", but DDG's founder having previously sold data from a different business. Still somewhat concerning, in my view, but hardly the same thing.

hadtoupvotethat10 karma

$100M for a game is ridiculous. High resolution art always seemed like a huge waste of money to me, because that's not what makes the game fun! Remember old games with crappy graphics? They were still fun! More fun than many of today's games, in fact. Cool-looking graphics are just... nice. They don't make or break the game. The gameplay does.

Now, with high-res art being paid for by a pay-to-win model, it not only fails to make the game more fun, it actively makes it much less fun! Oh, and then the gamer needs to upgrade their video card just to enjoy that art on "medium" level of detail, while cursing the crypto-currency miners for making good GPUs so hard to find.

I wish more game developers had the conviction and the courage to just make games that are fun to play, rather than trying to beat each other on some pointless metric like the number of pixels shown on the screen at the same time.

hadtoupvotethat5 karma

Why do you not identify yourselves by your full names? Your own FAQ asks, but does not answer, this question.

hadtoupvotethat1 karma

What exactly is shown on the Performance page? Is it a hypothetical performance using your own trades (according to the Bias Tables)? Or the balance of a real brokerage account?

What is the performance of the Trading Alerts?

hadtoupvotethat1 karma

Thanks, but when you talk about the "actual performance", do you mean that you have a real brokerage account where you made those trades with real money and the numbers shown are the balances of that trading account? I want to clarify this, because you've said elsewhere that your own trades are different.