Highest Rated Comments

h8spamoo81 karma

Thank you all for doing this in late evening! CONGRATULATIONS to you all!!!!! I have been so excited watching this mission, watching the progress of the landing operation, and everything else! Please take me/us all along until the end of the mission! I'm sure your are enjoying, too!! Let's have fun today! Masanori

h8spamoo55 karma

Honestest answer please! I totally love and support the Rosetta/Philae's cartoon video series since the moment I first saw the first episode. Combination of unreality/fairytale and well-detailed reality is super! And seems the series succeeded well. But I know that some people don't like it, seemingly because not representing the reality enough, or maybe too childish for such a strong science opportunity. How many people in the mission team don't like it? And if you don't like it, why??

h8spamoo29 karma

When Philae was bouncing and flying unexpectedly again, was he only rotating horizontally or was he rolling vertically?? And if you know the answer, how did you know that??

h8spamoo27 karma

Every time I hear of the probability of Philae's next wake up, I'm a bit surprised for I have not heard the mission team members's word which sounds like "Philae might wake up again but instruments/equipments were not designed to survive such a long time in the cold, so Philae cannot work." Does that mean that the instruments/equipments on Philae were designed to survive such a long time in the cold??

h8spamoo14 karma

Wow! Thank you very much for sharing your personal view! That's more important in general, of course!!