Highest Rated Comments

h8mx1092 karma

I have these three questions that I've always wanted to ask to someone from the show:

  1. I've read somewhere that many jokes from Community aren't actually written in the script but rather improvised by the actors. What's your favorite line from the show that wasn't originally in the script and who improvised it?

  2. As a non-american who regretably has to resort to piracy in order to be able to watch your amazing show, is there anything I can do at all to support the show and get it renewed for a forth fourth season?

  3. Where do you see yourself whenever the show inevitably ends (because, sadly, nothing lasts forever)? Are there any other projects you're currently busy on?

Thank you so so SO MUCH for this!

EDIT: Wasn't expecting to see this at the top, but I'll take the opportunity and link to Gillian's earlier AMA: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/kzq74/iama_gillian_jacobs/

h8mx175 karma

I'll see if I can find the DVDs for my region code. Thanks for answering!!

h8mx61 karma

Well get them to do an AMA as well! ...please? :)

h8mx18 karma

What happened to "don't be evil"? :(