Highest Rated Comments

guitargirlmolly53 karma

dude is a superfan of toy story 4

guitargirlmolly29 karma


guitargirlmolly22 karma

I’m curious: aside from this, what’s been your most memorable diving experience?

guitargirlmolly10 karma

Not OP but from experience: bed bugs. Fuckers are practically immortal.

guitargirlmolly7 karma

Hi guys!

I've been a listener since your last AMA, and I love the podcast! On to the question.

I have a friend who is noncompliant in taking his medication. He had a manic episode last summer (moved out of his apartment, left grad school, broke up with his girlfriend, and then attempted suicide) which resulted in a psychiatric hospital stay and a treatment plan. He didn't keep seeing his psychiatrist long enough to get an official diagnosis, but they were thinking either bipolar or schizoaffective disorder.

Last fall, he began "tapering" off his medication (of his own volition, and way too fast) and is now totally unmedicated, with no professional help. He is living with his parents but has no job, no plans to finish his degree, and apparently just lies in bed all day.

His delusion specifically is that there is something wrong with his body. Last he said was that he is "tangled up in his skeleton". He believes he has an as-yet unseen disease that is slowly killing him. He sees doctors in the belief that he is a medical anomaly, but is frustrated that they "don't listen to him, as soon as they see mental health they try to get him to see a psychiatrist". No doctor has been able to corroborate anything he claims to be true.

My question is this: he's in so much pain. I'm willing to bet a considerable amount that his symptoms are the result of his untreated mental illness. But how, how, how do I help guide him towards seeking the mental help he desperately needs? He gets upset and angry if it's explicitly suggested to him. I am out of carrots, I am out of sticks. I just want my friend to feel better.

Thanks Dr. Jim and Mr. Nick, tell Jacob I said hi! You're great.