gtrogers486 karma9/28/2015, 5:43:21 PM
Scale of 1-10, how excited does this make you guys? Is this a huge deal for the scientific community?
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gtrogers264 karma6/5/2014, 5:14:40 PM
Hi, Clark! Do you have a favorite moment from Season 1 of Agents of SHIELD?
gtrogers244 karma11/13/2012, 7:49:21 PM
TIL I'm a mason.
gtrogers204 karma7/2/2014, 4:44:32 PM
How did Hitler tie his shoelaces?
In little Nazis.
gtrogers53 karma11/13/2012, 7:27:15 PM
As someone who also has this problem, I agree that a patch to fix this would be greatly helpful.
gtrogers486 karma
Scale of 1-10, how excited does this make you guys? Is this a huge deal for the scientific community?
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