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gsupanther2422 karma

But why male models?

gsupanther245 karma

Hi Amber, no real useful question, but I've seen you at Dad's Garage many times and you're hilarious and have made me spit beer onto the people in front of me more times than I care to admit so thank you for that. A few questions for you:

  • How similar is improv to voice acting for Pam?
  • What's been your favorite sketch at Dad's that you've done?
  • Do you want to come grab dinner and drinks with some huge Archer fans this Friday!?

From one GSU alum to another, go panthers!

gsupanther245 karma

I don't have a question really but just to share that I had two surgeries for Scoliosis when I was 14 and luckily things were okay. Wound up at 40 and it worsened from 30 to 40 degrees from when I was 12 to 14. It's nice to know that you've written your first book even in light of your chronic pain. I just want to wish you the best in your journey and writing. I guess I do have a question now! When did you know that you wanted to write a novel? Was it something you always wanted to do or a later in life goal? Anyway, good luck in the future and thanks for the AMA!

gsupanther242 karma

Hey Tracy! I must know. Was the skit where you find out about "breaking" in 30 Rock inspired by the tensions between the crews on SNL and Jimmy Fallon or was it simply based on some of the tenets of improv?

gsupanther242 karma

Reading this AMA for a second time on Tuesday makes Rashad look like a prophet lol.