Highest Rated Comments

grumpymuppett-1 karma

Will you do this until you die? Is it sustainable?

grumpymuppett-7 karma

"Zero waste" does indeed inply an "all or nothing" attitude. Hence 'zero'...just sayin'

grumpymuppett-21 karma

Yes bitch I can read. Can you? Zero waste doesn't imply reducing anything. It doesn't IMPLY anything. It is a statement of ZERO waste. As is no waste whatsoever. That isn't what is happening and that title can be intimidating to people who do want to do small things but can't go "zero" waste. Zero waste would be living in the woods somewhere growing all your own fruits and vegetables, hunting your meat, making your clothes out of animal skin. I don't disgaree with this movement it's just misleading.

grumpymuppett-21 karma

Girl you can't just redefine zero. You need a new "industry term".