Highest Rated Comments

gringer25 karma

You build the conditions into the model, and don't test things that result in identical program flow to something already tested. Example:

if(distanceFromEarth < 2000.0){

In the above code, a distanceFromEarth of 5000 results in the same program flow as 2001, so only one of those needs to be tested. More specifically, one number should be tested in the range (-inf,2000), and one number in the range [2000,+inf).

gringer15 karma

Just a little fan, or would you want someone who is over 5 foot tall?

gringer7 karma

if you GIVE and don't just take, if you GIVE what people need - then your network will grow. That's how I was able to get to many people that people were surprised that anyone could listen to.

That reminds me of the ogre story:


gringer7 karma

I think just about every language I've used over a long period has some irritating feature that I think really hurts productivity.

I agree with this. My favourite language is Prolog, but I'd never use it in a real-life setting because IO and Prolog don't go well together, and it's basically impossible to write a 'perfect' function that works with all variables unbound (not good for OCD people). When I was learning Haskell, I ran into problems writing a show function for a function -- this may have been fixed with the newer versions. Here are a few others:

Python -- whitespace is important for code blocks and braces can't be used as a substitute. This makes copy-paste and minor code logic changes an exercise in frustration
R -- factors, slow, very easy to accidentally hang due to manipulating a matrix that is too big
Java -- simple programs are mini-novel length, becoming less free (or more Oraclised)
C++ -- bug tracking can be very difficult, due to confusing errors and limited data protection
Javascript -- despite all the optimisations, none seem to have been targeted for SVG interaction (presumable due to lack of popularity), which makes Javascript+SVG games slow

gringer2 karma

How do qubits differ from ternary logic, where the superposition could be modeled as an intermediate state (i.e. 0,-,1)?