Highest Rated Comments

greylenkitty32 karma

Melissa, your music is so important to me. Words cannot express how song of the songs have helped me through the worst times in my life. I adore "Monster" from the new CD the most. Many questions.. but I'll pick one... Tell us about the song "Unusual Kiss"? BTW, Your Little Secret is such an underrated album.

greylenkitty12 karma

Theory confirmed! <3

greylenkitty2 karma

Ok I lied...another question... my love for Your Little Secret as an album got me thinking of the song I can't listen to often as I cry whenever I hear it... "This War Is Over"... it is my song for my beloved friends and family who have passed on... who/what originally inspired this song?

greylenkitty2 karma

Oh oh oh...ENORMOUS love for the song "Secret Agent"-- a sex toy reference and a Star Trek reference in the same lyric? WIN. I love your use of unusual words and word play overall.. I mean who else uses "ecclesiastic" anymore? To add a question.. do you like Star Trek?

greylenkitty1 karma

That's super hot! Any other sci-fi shows you like? ;-)