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greggh3480 karma

If any more proof is needed, and if this counts towards that. You can see pretty clearly that I am the main moderator of /r/Anonymous and Aubrey is indeed OG Anon.

greggh2981 karma

They spent a lot of money on private investigators to hunt down whoever owned a certain youtube channel. They then used their own people to track the possible subjects at protests and dox them. Following them home, then to their jobs.

After a couple months they doxed me and a few others. I was the one they were looking for from YouTube and they created a DVD all about us with our names and info in it. After that they started filing false police reports claiming that I had done things to them.

The police reports were mostly funny. I was out of town a lot during that time period and half of the things they said I did at their building or to a member, I wasn't even in the state and had simple proof of it. But they filed a police report that I had trespassed on their property and gone into their building and terrorised the receptionist. Some Anons in masks had actually gone into the building. I was not one of them, and I had video proof of me not being one of them.

That proof didn't seem to matter and I ended up in court where they spent 7 months delaying, missing dates to provide evidence and generally using the court system to make me miss work and attempt to drain my bank account. Joke was on them though, my bank was already empty, I am pretty much always poor as hell. I have no idea how to handle money. So it didn't really hurt as much as they were hoping.

In the end I took a CWOF, which means I told the judge that I understood that he had seen enough evidence that he had the option to send this to a real jury trial. Even though some of that evidence was literally me not being in the building and instead being blocks away. I accepted the CWOF because they had made a mistake. It only listed their Boston addresses as places I had to avoid, they had buildings in many cities, states, countries, all over! So I went to protests against them in Connecticut, New York, even Los Angeles.

But it did cost me a lot of work time and stress, so it definitely wasn't a fun time. And with my name out there I ended up all over the press, as everyone from local channels to CNN was playing the Message to Scientology video.

greggh1712 karma

They took it out on me.

greggh1242 karma

I'm glad you found your way to a place that looks happy and are taking action. It's great to have you out there starting to kick the hornets nests again.

greggh648 karma

The relevant YouTube video for those wondering:
