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green_glitter_queen22 karma

I requested a kit because of this AMA.

green_glitter_queen7 karma

So, someone took the dog, but didn't think the kids were important enough to do anything about? That's disgusting.

green_glitter_queen6 karma

I work for a different division of the Human Services Department (in my state, HSD encompasses Income Support, and a few other divisions), and I can give you the basic answer there.

Foodstamps are given, based on income information, and the number of people in the home. If that's the monthly grant, I'm betting there's a bunch of children in the home.

Sometimes, though, grants can be delayed for processing or whatever, so what you see there may actually be more than one months grant.

Why it isn't treated like WIC, I don't know. Probably because WIC is a bitch for retailers. Although I do like that WIC in my state recently went to an EBT card, instead of the paper checks.

green_glitter_queen5 karma

What's your feeling on drug tests for those on assistance? Should it be across the board, or just on certain categories of assistance?

green_glitter_queen2 karma

Well, my husband says it's because I use the cheat code for tanks too often...