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gravityinplay8 karma

New Orleans is an extremely violent city with a high crime rate . . . how do you pick and chose which cases to focus on? Does the NOPD create many roadblocks and what is the biggest challenge you face culturally in the city?

gravityinplay6 karma

With corrosion to old piping being the cause of lead poisoning, will better water sources prevent the metal from leeching into water? My experience with metals leads me to believe that once corrosion begins, it is really hard to stop.

gravityinplay2 karma

user-pay criminal justice system

How expensive is it for a person to protect their innocence? Obviously you are not billing people, but what can somebody with means expect to pay to avoid prosecution for a crime like assault, theft or drug possession?

gravityinplay1 karma

Do any subs in the world measure up to the Sea Wolf class? The Virginia was supposed to be a more affordable version of that class and I know the Sea Wolf subs are getting long in the tooth. Any hopes for a replacement beyond the extended Virginias or do we really need a replacement?