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grass_cutter58 karma

To be fair, that's the point of the videos. Compliments to the chef.

grass_cutter8 karma

No, one ISIS guy did say that once. Then he was summarily beheaded.

grass_cutter6 karma

It's common in industries such as banking and fraud to NOT share their practices very easily with others or be 'transparent' about their rules. Because then they can EASILY be gamed, and it's not hard to see how.

In this case, OP doesn't care so much about "purity" vs. "getting as many eyeballs on his app as possible" because he wants to make some cash off his work.

He is right, in a way. His app isn't big enough or widespread enough for spammers to actually spend effort bypassing his rules.

BUT -- if his general system is similar to FakeSpot, a much bigger app, they may try to use it to circumvent these apps.

grass_cutter3 karma

Spirits proposition - cheaper for a horrid, crap airline - would be a perfectly fine OPTION, if it were actually cheaper. I've never flown them but they charge for carry-on bags, printing boarding passes, water, peanuts, everything. And 20% of their flights get cancelled, adding to the risk of you coughing up extra for transportation, hotels, etc. So it's really not cheaper. It depends on people's stupidity to thrive

grass_cutter2 karma

Reddit is subconsciously hostile to women (yes, equal rights mean equal lefts being hostile to women, not promoting gender equality). And has a larger-than-average population of geeky CS-interested white males. So I say the point is very plausible.