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gr3yh4769 karma

' "When the product is free, you're the product" - Google ' - Michael Scott

gr3yh4766 karma

my rule of thumb for packing things is to assume that somewhere along the line people will be playing soccer with my package. I've never had a broken item when i've sent a package to someone and i've shipped some fragile stuff.

gr3yh4720 karma

but it absolutely isn't true over the last 15 years.

I'm positive you haven't run the numbers, because you're actually wrong.

about 2,000 people get killed every 3 years not including people under arrest. that's bystanders and people not charged with a crime. that gives us 10,000 people every 15 years, compared to about 3,000 people in the last 15 years in this country from terrorism.

so not 8x in the last 15 years exactly, but that's your cherry pick designed to specifically include the largest terrorist attack in the history of this country

guess what? we're not saying don't worry about terrorism. the point is that the response is disgustingly disproportionate. Both by monetary and social measures.

gr3yh477 karma

You're not trying too hard to hide your identity with all the details in your post

gr3yh471 karma

Fair enough. Had to ask.