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gosteinao3 karma

First of all, let me tell you that I'm a big fan of the Saturday TV Funhouse sketches. Just seeing your name already got me into binge-watching some on Yahoo Screen right now.

How long does it take to produce one of these sketches? The fact that they aren't done all that frequently is a logistical problem in any way? Are they produced in house? And the classic question, what's your favorite one?

gosteinao3 karma

Hello Joel, very excited for all of this. I guess I'm an usual suspect for a fan of the show, being a pop-cultured-minded young guy.

Except that I'm from Brazil.

So I guess my question is: did you have any moment, specially after the show ended its run, that made you go "damn, this thing has a bigger reach and shelf-life than I would've ever expected"? And if that was one of the aspects that led you to believe in crowdfunding as a viable way to bring back the show.

Btw, I already did my part and pledged some money on the campaign. Not a lot, tho. Currency crisis and stuff.

gosteinao3 karma

Merrill, hi, how are you, big fan here.

What will you and Emanon be shooting for, something closer to your style of art pop or their hip hop? How are your ideas on matching those disparate styles?

Also, is there any new material from tUnE-yArDs in the works? And could you come back to Brazil again I missed it last time OK thanks a lot.

gosteinao2 karma

Oh jeez, I'm so sorry. That's what I get for not looking it up properly before asking.

But thanks a lot! Just the thought of you guys doing another show here brightened my day.