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gordonmcdowell15 karma

As someone concerned about global warming, and introduced to nuclear power by-way of that concern, I'd certainly like to hear his thoughts on this.

I live in Canada. We've got both high-GHG provinces (Alberta, my home) and very low-GHG provinces (Ontario). I see it in Canada: Hydro + Nuclear = low-GHG grid.

gordonmcdowell8 karma

As someone who's become very interested in advanced reactors, I still agree we should be keeping safe operating reactors up-and-running and be building out AP1000s.

The AP1000 seems to have safety systems which could be easily described to the public. Maybe there's even a narrative there about its development people might find engaging.

Why is it that "Pandora's Promise" and "Thorium: the far side of nuclear power" can offer up very compelling narratives around advanced reactors, and the industry can't cobble together anything to promote PWR?

It is like they're depending on pro-nuclear TED Talks (such as yours) for people to see the value of their product.

It is a billion dollar industry. What is their problem?

gordonmcdowell7 karma

Heads-up you can't ask a question in a non-top post. I think that's the rule... look at the text in the comment field before you start typing (if you are on a browser). Just so ya don't get banned.

gordonmcdowell4 karma

What was the very first step you took making your doc? First interview, sort of thing? Has approach evolved since then?