Highest Rated Comments

goldenlady___106 karma

It's so awesome that you wrote this book. Withdrawal from psychotropic meds can be so uniquely horrific, and it's important that people get the word out about it so that prescribers can hopefully start educating patients, and being educated themselves, on how to properly taper. Hopefully they will also start letting patients know the risks that certain meds have for terrible withdrawals.

What medication(s) did you have trouble with? What were some of your side effects? Were you able to completely taper off eventually?

goldenlady___27 karma

Although I believe she said widwives in Switzerland. Widwives have actual medical training so they truly are helpful, and they are a legitimate and recognized part of the medical system. I’m iffy about doulas too, though. I think they are probably helpful for emotional support, but can’t replace actual medical personnel

goldenlady___1 karma

Exactly. Gastroparesis alone suuuuccckkksss and I've had it since I was a little kid. Do you have it as part of eds? I didn't realize it was a symptom of it til later on.

goldenlady___1 karma

I'm.also curious about the difference between actual EDS and having hypermobility issues. My doctor basically felt that since I don't have some insane version of eds that has me dislocating constantly, that I should just treat it as hypermobility. Hypermobility (double jointedness) is pretty common.