Highest Rated Comments

goldeee254 karma

"Archer" is absolutely fantastic, and you're absolutely hilarious on it.

1) How many times a day do people shout "LAAANNNAAAAAA" at you?

2) Thoughts about Lana's massive boobs and hands?

3) What was it like being on "Friends?"

4) Who's a better kisser - Joey or Ross?

goldeee1 karma

What was your favorite part about the 2012 presidential campaign?

Who is your favorite person to make fun of on your account?

Funniest person/group on TV right now.

Also, you're pretty much my hero. I would marry you today. You are fucking hilarious but then you write serious stuff that means a lot. I really liked a piece you wrote about vaginas, and how women should feel comfortable with whatever vagina they got. From an insecure woman, thanks for being hilarious and making me feel better about myself.