Highest Rated Comments

gojeffcho17 karma

Hey, Steve! Breaking out my actual named account, which I never use. Great initiative on the AMA.

For the lulz: What's the most incredible/ridiculous/hilarious thing you've received via the social media channels you manage?

For srs: What's the hardest decision you've ever had to make as a police officer?

And because I said I would: one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?

gojeffcho15 karma


gojeffcho4 karma

Great personal answer, but I'm curious - do all the officers get this information and training? I get "media and public relations" refresher training annually - do the police have similar courses that remind them on what they can and can't do, say, rights in/of public, etc.? I've seen a lot of videos of police threatening citizen photographer/videographer bystanders - mostly in the US - and think this is an important issue.

gojeffcho3 karma

You would pepperspray a duck-sized horse? YOU BRUTE. Think of the children.

That for srs answer sounds rrrl srs. I'm glad you made it out okay and ended up getting the guy.

Love that I can be ridiculous with the @KingstonPolice Twitter account (and pretty sure I was before I even met you in person), it adds so much personality and fun to the presence.

gojeffcho2 karma

I can't upvote this enough.