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goatsareeverywhere85 karma

He's basically on a crusade to smear Singapore everywhere on reddit. You know what's the first thing he did with this account? Make a meme on /r/adviceanimals saying the Singapore law system is corrupt, how the taxi driver was the one who attacked him blah blah blah.

The fact is that he has been convicted by the non-corrupt Singapore law system for "causing hurt and mischief", as the exact words found in his conviction. This thread contains a google docs link to said judgement and all the facts are clearly listed out inside.

goatsareeverywhere58 karma

Basically, OP's a jackass. His problems are almost entirely self-inflicted. Furthermore, he got off pretty light; the maximum sentence is two years in prison for voluntarily causing hurt, and he only got away with a month. In the US or some other country, the punishment may have been lighter (no prison time for example), but if you decide to visit a foreign country, you are willingly subjecting yourself to the laws of said country regardless of how asinine you think these laws are.

goatsareeverywhere17 karma

Because you've been parroting this shit for almost a year and trying to extract sympathy on reddit. This is the first post from your other throwaway before you started on your anti-Singapore crusade. Just in case you delete it (like your post history on this account), this is what the original /r/legaladvice thread said, emphasis mine:

I was arrested last year in a wealthy SEA country for disorderly conduct. Since that time the police have held my passport and kept me on bail while investigating a more serious charge of causing hurt. The details of the incident aren't important for this question, what is important is that the charges are unfounded and I believe that the process I've been subjected to is unreasonable even by their legal standards. I'm on a tourist visa and so barred from working here, and forbidden to leave. It's been nearly a year since the initial arrest, and the case isn't scheduled to go to trial for another several months. Does anyone have experience with situations like this? What advice would you give in terms of alerting US media to my situation? The Embassy has been of limited help, offering to transfer funds from friends and relatives, and asking for the A.G. Chambers to expedite the process.

There's a reason why /r/legaladvice and even /r/rbi threw you under a bus. You're lying about facts related to your case and seem more eager to extract karma instead of being genuinely remorseful.

You're getting brigaded? Ha. You're just getting downvoted for being a jackass.

goatsareeverywhere7 karma

As far as I know, he is indeed an ex-navy SEAL, but was never deployed to an active combat zone. That's the only part that's not a half-truth or an outright lie.

However, he does indeed perfectly fit the navy SEAL copypasta stereotype.

goatsareeverywhere7 karma

I have seen some of this. The brand making the pipette tips (a majority of the single-use plastics in question) used to have plastic boxes that had metal foil lettering. They removed the foil lettering in favor of printing directly on the plastic boxes to improve the ability to recycle said boxes.