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gnomeshell131 karma

One time a duck swam right over a mortar as it went off, sending the duck flying into the boat, bouncing off the canopy and falling dead and mangled into the lap of a little girl. With the girl thinking the skipper shot the duck. The family was compensated greatly by guest relations and we were were thus authorized to perform "duck stops" or e-stops for duck safety to avoid a similar incident from occurring that season. This story was thereafter included when training new skippers about emergency stop procedures.

that is actually pretty damn funny. but im a duck hunter so I guess perspective is key.

gnomeshell82 karma

It took divers with air balloons 4 hours to raise the boat and put it back on the track

wait how deep was the water in this ride (its been years, if not decades, since ive ridden it) but I always though the pool was like waist deep with the exception of where things popped out from. ( Ie: those were recessed)

gnomeshell3 karma

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