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gleenglass311 karma

I read the title and wondered why my husband's Oma was doing an AMA. She also survived the concentration camps and relocated to the Netherlands afterwards. Do you keep in touch with any other Dutch-Indonesian concentration camp survivors?

gleenglass28 karma

What kinds of changes do you think should be made on a practical level to reduce barriers to the market? I'm an attorney with an Ag background and would love to help develop policy that would encourage innovation in the Ag biotech sector while protecting IP.

gleenglass28 karma

As an egg donor, I would have never considered donation unless I knew for sure I would be anonymous to the recipients. I provided full health histories and have even recently updated those to include conditions of my maternal grandparents in their old age.

Anonymity allows for qualified donors who truly want to protect their own privacy too. I don’t know the standards for sperm donors but egg donors have to do both medical and psych testing prior to being approved to donate.

I glad you have found that knowing your donor and fellow half sibs has been a positive experience. I’d like to think that if any of my genetic offspring did contact me that the ensuing communications would be kind and informative but my fear is being viewed as a parental figure when I’ve been nothing of the sort as parents are designated by relationship and being there for the child which is not the case for gamete donors.

There is also anonymity on my side as well. I don’t know who the parents are that choose my genetics. I don’t know if a child was conceived of the fertilization. Well, I know that it’s highly likely because I am a repeat donor (6x) and egg donors usually don’t get picked multiple times unless there are successful donations, fertilizations and pregnancy. The oldest child potentially conceived of my first donation would be 8 or 9 now. I have intentionally avoided any DNA testing service because I’m not ready for contact. I may change my mind in 10 years or so when my genetic offspring comes of age but that remains to be seen.

I don’t fault your perspective on anonymity. I just wanted to bring a different perspective to the conversation. There are pros and cons on both sides.

gleenglass17 karma

SLC Punk. "We can do a hell of a lot more damage in the system, than outside of it."

gleenglass17 karma

How much does she want for it?