Highest Rated Comments

gladvillain81 karma

Then go walk in front of chinese theater!

gladvillain46 karma

They are probably bound by the terms of their settlement to avoid any discussion.

gladvillain38 karma

Any chance we can get a Dance 360 reboot? I loved that show so hard.

gladvillain34 karma

Hey Jessamyn, first, I just wanna say thanks for being such a great admin over at Metafilter and askMetafilter all those years. It was my reddit before reddit was my reddit.

Since it seems to have died down quite a bit, have you found anything else that compares to it as a community? Reddit can be so daunting until you find the right subreddits, and I'm not sure if it captures the community aspect due to the sheer scale of it.

gladvillain28 karma

You remind me of a friend of mine that loves chemicals...