Highest Rated Comments

giverofnofucks524 karma

Did you not find your job... fulfilling?

giverofnofucks365 karma

Getting recommended medical care is rebellious?

Man, they're gonna lose their minds when you start a 401k.

giverofnofucks304 karma

Genital surgery runs anywhere from like $12k to $30k depending on the surgeon and location (out of pocket).

I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure the best location for genital surgery is on the genitals.

giverofnofucks152 karma

Well, based on his rant - a vicious ad hominen attack filled with insults, threats, and a healthy dose of paranoia, where he doesn't debate or even acknowledge the issues behind OWS...

I'd have to say being an entitled boomer looks a lot like being a 12 year old on the Internet, except with better sentence structure.

giverofnofucks48 karma

He's done so many voices, sometimes I open my mouth and it's Billy West.