Highest Rated Comments

ginbooth89 karma

What are you favorite horror movies that inspired you to write and direct your own? Btw I'm really looking forward to GET OUT. It eerily feels like an allegory based on my experiences with the TSA in Spokane, WA.

ginbooth24 karma

The Quran teaches that travelers are a gift from God and that it is their duty as good Muslims to take care of you.

Your insight means a lot, especially from someone so well-travelled. Come join us at /r/bjj if you haven't already!

ginbooth4 karma

Classic literature, heavy on the Russians.

Who stands out the most for you given your experiences? Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, or both (or maybe a dark horse like, say, Lermentov)?

ginbooth4 karma

And then the roving mobs targeting basically anyone intellectual, anyone with greater education or status than them. It was about attacking education, intellectualism, and authority.

Unfortunately, this is beginning to sound all too familiar here in the States...

ginbooth2 karma

And certainly many more people have been brutally killed by cartels.

Whoa. I did not know this. With all the rhetoric going around regarding ISIS and terrorism, it's crazy to think as a native of LA that more acts of brutality and terror are being committed only a few hundred miles away from me.