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gigerzaehler1232 karma

Because Swashbucklers and Assassins are too classy. And you may use Sneak Attack after Sudden Strike in 5E.

gigerzaehler613 karma

Yes, I supported several patients that had either slightly or completely lost their sense of smell. In some cases where it was not completely lost it came back after approximately two weeks. Some patients that had completely lost it told us that it took nearly a month to fully recover. So far I personally had no cases where the sense of smell did not recover.

gigerzaehler386 karma

My work as a containment scoutcovers initial recording of people who were tested positively for SARS-CoV-2 for the first time and their contacts, making contact to infected and possibly infected persons, tracing possible contacts, supporting all of them on a daily basis wherever possible, passing on information to other state institutions and answering questions.

gigerzaehler336 karma

It was quite an experience and it still is. I have mixed feelings about my work because I get in contact with infected persons and their contacts on the phone. And most people are scared and therefore show anger, confusion, sadness or they completely ghost you.

gigerzaehler299 karma

My contract will end in October but the Robert-Koch-Institute already asked us containment scouts if we would prolong our contract for another six months if the number of infected people will rise. I'm pretty sure that there will be a need for containment scouts at least until mid 2021 but I don't know if the government will see a need for it in autumn 2020.