Highest Rated Comments

ghengis31760 karma

You said Predatory Glow Worm... that wasn't what I was expecting, I was expecting pictures of this:

Predator Glow Worm

But your pictures are cool too.

As a photographer, is it easier taking pictures of wildlife and plantlife than people? I always feel like people are expecting the picture in some way and it always comes off un-natural. But wild life and plants and inanimate objects can tell stories and give details into their lives much easier to me.

Maybe I just suck at taking pictures of people.

ghengis3174 karma

That is awesome, that is the big issue I've always had. I always found my best pictures were of when the subject didn't notice I was already taking the pictures... then they notice, and they try to pose for the camera.

But that is pretty ingenious, set the shot, the get em to react to you being silly.

Really awesome work!

ghengis3174 karma

What's it like to be most of the white people on 1 show. I always dreamt of being 1 white person on a show, but almost all of them sounds tiring, since there is totally more than 1 white person on the show.

ghengis3172 karma

Thanks, now I will strive to be many white people instead of just one!