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ggill131380 karma

That's fantastic that you got to work with a legend.

ggill131365 karma

Nah, I don't think this is it at all.

While you may have the economics of it (being cheap, and all), I think it provides an easy "tag line" for a niche of, well, plot, that a lot of guys are into.

I think every guy has found themselves in a place where they were in close proximity to a girl they were attracted to but not necessarily "permitted" to have sex with. For instance, I being at a friend's house and having the hots for their sister, but no occasion to act upon it. "Incest" sets the pieces of a similar fantasy wherein there's something off-limits about it, generally involves a story of someone "coming onto" the other to finally fulfill what was a previously unrequited fantasy. And I think that's what gets guys going, because it feels relatable in a sense. I would imagine few guys actually want to bang their sister but many guys likely do have a friend of a friend or maybe even a friend who they would have sex with given the opportunity, but while they've often been around that friend in different circumstances, there's never been any sexual tension.

So I think it really plays off of an experience that most guys have had and then fantasized about, taking it further by portraying that fantasy.

ggill131343 karma

Why? I absolutely just do not get these sorts of mindsets.

I mean, if you have some deep and personal reason to not watch the show, or partake in something, then I understand that. I won't try any sort of drugs because they ruined my family and genetically, I am prone to addiction. But c'mon, it's a show with the same idea as the last one, which was a great show.

Give something a shot before writing it off. It's just a TV show, after all.

ggill13136 karma

I'm late to the game a bit, but you get so much respect from me for not only stating your opinion on Reddit, but stating it in a de facto sense regarding religion. Kudos and keep on believin'!

ggill13133 karma

Sure, but dismiss something after it's been given a shot, not before. "Reboot" does not necessarily mean bad.