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gdo223 karma

What are your guys's plans for DC?

gdo22-2 karma

Hey Gen on Fire Gulf Coast! I'm the supply van person for a walker here in Florida who's sounding the alarm on the climate crisis, building up numbers along the way for a big nonviolent civil disobedience march from Jacksonville to Tallahassee to get the governor of Florida to declare a climate emergency, net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, and a legally binding citizens' assembly to determine how to get it done. (Anyone who wants to help that effort out and learn more can check out walkwithnick.com !)

I know people have been inspired by all these marchers out there, and you all, the California marchers, and Nick are hopefully on the vanguard of what's going to become a very popular thing to do. For the sake of those to come, and those who are still marching now, how do you outreach and get turnout for others to march with you? What's the best outreach strategy to youth that you would recommend?