Highest Rated Comments

gaviidae123 karma

Don't they know some of those things from seeing the product placed on the set before you arrive?

gaviidae108 karma

Mark Cuban fought to remove the equity rule and they removed it.

gaviidae77 karma

LBJ ordered it at first, Nixon expanded it. It was kept secret from Americans for a long time but once it became public there was a lot of outcry.

It was a lot like Pakistan in the Afghanistan war. Vietnamese were hiding along the border of Cambodia and the US bombed them to try to take them out. Drones are making us enemies and they are somewhat accurate. Carpet bombing is obviously much less accurate.

It was actually done as an attempt to get America out of SE Asia. But like they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

gaviidae39 karma

Since he thought this would get approved on iOS I'm going to guess he spent it on weed.

gaviidae23 karma

You can see a spreadsheet here. He invests more often than most (except Lori) and has a higher average investment than most (except Kevin and Robert)