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gaunt791308 karma

The story goes that we were at different schools at the time and she attended a talk/book signing when World War Z was released. I'd asked her to get a copy of The Zombie Survival Guide signed for me, and that's how Max Brooks signed it.

At the time she played it off as him making a bad joke. I found out later that she'd gone with "the guy she told me not to worry about" and, as these things tend to go, it was obvious to everyone but me. I trashed the book in the post-breakup purge.

gaunt791273 karma

He signed mine with:

[Ex-girlfriend] is here with another dude!

I wish I had kept it, and that I had listened at the time.

gaunt7949 karma

Yeah, that about sums up my reactions, too.

gaunt7911 karma

That's why I opened with "pardon my ignorance".

gaunt7910 karma

I didn't say that the US definition of neoliberal is completely opposite. I said that the definition of neoliberal is the complete opposite of the US definition of liberal policy. But, I did take your advice and searched the term. Very interesting.

However, the term is rarely heard in the United States.

Hence, my opening with "pardon my ignorance".