Highest Rated Comments

gatsby31468 karma

Might I suggest publishing your concerns with your local newspaper? The district might not want to address it, but I bet parents and fellow teachers would appreciate hearing them in a public forum.

gatsby3144 karma

Classrooms are already germ-spreading epicenters.

gatsby3143 karma

Are you part of a union? If so, what steps had/has your union been taking to push back against schools reopening without proper precautions?

gatsby3142 karma

Am I supposed to be impressed with your education?

Because I'm betting you haven't been in a K-12 school since you graduated.

Kids aren't they only people in a school building.

And the CDC credibility is not exactly flawless now that Trump strong-armed them into sleeping data to support him.

You're not worth a minute more of my time. If you actually knew something about education except how to bean about your own, you might be worth debating.

gatsby3142 karma

There can be persistent long-term effects of the virus.

Perfectly healthy people can and do die from the virus.

Stop being obtuse and rude.