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garou-garou52 karma

I don't know if I trust the 'year or two' metric. Especially since age and development are such a big factor. My now wife and I met when we were just 18 and 19 years old, and we had a lot of growing to do. We were dating for 7 years before we knew for sure we were ready for a lifelong commitment, and that didn't mean we weren't committed to one another during those 7 years of dating.

I know what you were saying was to make someone feel better about the longevity of their relationship, but keep in mind that everyone's timeline looks different.

garou-garou43 karma

Chaw chee-chaw chee-chaw chee-chaw.

garou-garou3 karma

Do you still have connections with Somalians? Is any of your family there?