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garhent329 karma

Can you explain why increased unskilled labor immigration and how the US is looking to increase benefits to citizens due to increasing automation and AI (at best we are shedding 73M low skilled jobs in trucking and brick and mortars by 2030) makes financial sense? Especially considering we have 22M illegal aliens living in the US already?

The current amount of unskilled labor entering the country are not needed workers when we are automating away their jobs already. People calling for unskilled labor immigration are thinking from the 1800's not 2020+ time frame. We simply don't need unskilled labor, we have massive amounts of unskilled labor already available to us. Politicians are planning minimum income to help offset the unemployment and bringing in 10M+ unskilled immigrants will make it significantly worse for everyone, including the 22M illegal aliens currently residing in the US now.

garhent266 karma

So how accurate would say is Swoozie's take on working at Disney Land?

garhent147 karma

Democratic talking points are:

-We need illegal immigrants because we have jobs that are open.

-We need open borders to facilitate said illegal workers entering the country to fill those open jobs.

-We need a guaranteed minimum income because we don't have enough jobs for everyone.

Am I wrong or are those talking points contradictory?

garhent67 karma

Mr Gomez is not adequately describing the reasoning for slowing down immigration, he's leaving out the reasoning on why a President taking a center left economic platform towards immigration is taking place in the first place. From reading his work, he appears to have a specific slant and is decidedly pro-immigration, which to my opinion makes him an activist and not a journalist. As to the narrative, I would gather this is another side of the story that Mr Gomez is not covering and one would wonder why a journalist would take only a pro-stance on immigration without looking at the financial costs associated with it. Let alone the existing illegal aliens currently living in the US whose wages will be cut by greatly increasing the number of unskilled labor into the US. Let alone why he's not looking at the skilled vs unskilled angle. For a journalist he's remarkably one dimensional on his approach to reporting for this issue.

For example in Gomez's own words:

"But U.S. law allows migrants to enter the country illegally and then request asylum."

That is one of the arguments used by the extremist alt-left anarcho communist branch for open borders. To the vast majority of America that is considered a controversial opinion. At best, that line could be used for immigrants living directly on the border of Mexico and Canada, and neither of those states are failed nation. At best, it would be on Mexico's shoulders for the immigrants, NOT the US. Mexico is offloading its own financial burden on the US, when Mexico has a high demand for unskilled labor while the US does not and is having a decreasing demand for unskilled labor every year.

garhent56 karma

In the United States the average police response time is 9 minutes at best, in the inner city or rural that is laughable at best, we are talking 30+ minutes. A lot of Americans live rural, especially the elderly. With your plan to disarm the United States populace, what are you going to do to protect the elderly and the weak from physically stronger attackers who will now have carte blanche to attack without having to worry about being shot in retaliation?