Highest Rated Comments

gameperfmatters1067 karma

S: Just like the good old days. Appreciate you tuning in. Only Toonami!

gameperfmatters969 karma

A: I am playing The Last Guardian, and I love Trico more than life itself.

gameperfmatters895 karma

PL: Great question. The membership was very clear when they voted at more than 96% for a strike that they were interested in a secondary payment structure. That was not in the GameCorps proposed contract so it made no sense to go back to the membership.

JH: We'll go back to them, when we have something to go back to them with. We're dealing with the following mindset: the same mindset that's attacking much of middle class America, as an executive said to one of our people, "I'm not giving them a bonus, that comes out of my bonus."

gameperfmatters883 karma

A: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (u/maddking: she literally said, "ascii shrug")

S: Wow. Ummm. I'm not qualified to be a casting agent. But I did meet Keanu Reeves who was very invested in that.

gameperfmatters750 karma

A: No joke, it's worked its way into my speech. Chloe has changed me forever.