Highest Rated Comments

fznmomin42 karma

Is string theory on its way out the door?

fznmomin2 karma

Congrats on 2M Subs! What ever happened to the microwave project? What's the ETA on delivery?

fznmomin2 karma

Hey congrats on 2M subs! What ever happened to the microwave project??

fznmomin2 karma

It seems as if there is a huge disconnect between the article's content vs conclusions. Case in point, one of the articles featured on the site is the call between President Trump and Vladimir Putin agreeing to no collusion on the Muller report. It has a 0% user rating. The article is factually correct in showing what the to sides talked about, but people are judging that as the overall conclusion. The ratings should be based on the factual evidence presented in the articles rather than overall conclusions made from inference on the article.

How are you tackling this issue of bias in user ratings?

Edit: this is now with the article fixed of factual errors