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frickles_frackles115 karma

THIRTEEN! Absolutely loved you in the series Rome! Pullo was a great character in the show and was portrayed beautifully. Asking as a historian, did you learn anything new about Roman history while working on the series? What was the coolest thing you learned? Great ama! Keep up the fantastic work :)

frickles_frackles12 karma

As a historian studying Christianity, I can definitely say the Dead Sea Scrolls are extremely important for understanding the development of language and also providing the earliest known copies of the Hebrew Bible. This allows for a better reading of the Bible today because we can take direct translations of the earliest known text rather than having translations of translations of translations. In the case of the King James Bible written in 1611, the first prominent and widespread English Bible, it was translated from Hebrew into Aramaic (possibly into Coptic, a language that developed between Egyptian hieroglyphs and its modern alphabet) into Latin and finally into English. And if you've ever played the translation game, words and meaning of sayings can get seriously messed up. That is the significance for at least the Dead Sea Scrolls! I would love to know about the other one if anyone knows!

Also, love to add that this is really cool to see someone who works on the other side of me. As a historian/research librarian I work with the documents and preserve them as much as possible in temp controlled rooms and such, but never really get to meet the guys saving and digitizing the documents for us! Currently working on my masters in medieval history but I hope to learn more about your field while working as a Rare Books and Manuscripts curator. Do you have any advice for me?